Investor representation – environmental protection
The law firm drafted a response on behalf of the investor to a cassation appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court filed by an environmental organization against a judgment of the Regional Administrative Court.
The law firm represents an investor who, several years after completing his investment and conducting his business, is being harassed by the initiation of successive administrative proceedings by the so-called “administrative” authorities. environmental organizations. The zoning decision, environmental decision, building permit decision, decision to resume construction work and approve the replacement construction project, as well as the occupancy permit decision obtained by the investor, only after years of trying to be challenged by environmental organizations in cases of renewal of proceedings and in proceedings to
declaring the decision invalid. To date, the law firm has obtained a number of favorable decisions and administrative court rulings for the investor. The cases address issues related to the application of the provisions of laws relevant to the investment process, i.e. The Law on Spatial Planning and Development, the Construction Law, the Law on Providing Information on the Environment and its Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection and Environmental Impact Assessments, and the Law – Environmental Protection Law.