
Seizure of a tenement house in Kazimierz, Krakow – answer to the cassation complaint of the State Treasury General Prosecutor’s Office.

Commissioned by the heiress of the pre-war owners of one of the tenements in Krakow’s Kazimierz district Attorney-at-law Tomasz Przybecki is acting in an inheritance proceeding at the request of the State Treasury.

The courts of both instances dismissed the application for the seizure, recognizing the rationale of the tabular owners. However, due to the cassation complaint filed by the SP Attorney General’s Office, it became necessary to proceed further and file a response to the complaint.

The Supreme Court within the framework of the institution of the so-called pre-court will decide whether the arguments raised by the Treasury are weighty enough to allow the case to be heard by the Supreme Court in the ordinary course at all.